Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Duality of Opposites

I came across this term :duality of opposites" and have been trying to comprehend it in its entirety,I wont say i have got it entirely but it does seem something profound and more importantly useful.i am obsessed to make this quest for a peaceful mind a practical one.I want to put to test every little thing which appears useful or else i discard it.I dont just want intellectual stimulation.Thought for the sake of thought.It should contribute in this journey.But when i say a" quest from a peaceful mind" isnt that problematic too. arnt all these seeking and wanting to become  the root cause of our suffering, of this unrest? ah well one problem at a time. So lets get back to the duality of opposites conundrum.

Duality of opposites basically implies things which look different are merely opposites and not separate. The presence of one implies the presence of other too. For e.g if we have fear it also means the feeling of hope wont be far behind.they are complimentary in nature.They are like 2 sides of the same coin.its a difficult concept to grasp intellectually but if see its use in our daily life and in our thought process we maybe able to make more sense of it.

if we have violence in us, if we see ourselves getting  angry we want to become non violent. We try to cultivate non violence.we read about it,we try to use will power to overcome this desire for violence,we practice meditation. We do what we can to get over this malaise. But if we understand this duality of opposites then we know the presence of non violence also implies that violence is still there within us. we have not really got rid of it. we may have found some temporary method of suppressing it. So instead of trying to become non violent we need to realize violence lies within us and we need to drop it .we have to let it go. If we hate someone we tell ourselves we need to stop hating that person. we dont try to cultivate love for that person.In that trying to love that person we perpetuate the existence of hate inside of us.we just drop the emotion "hate". Well thats how it is supposed to work. Lets try and see where we get with it. I certainly will.

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