Saturday, October 20, 2018

Came across this phrase a few days back "showing up for one's own life". So simple yet so profound. Or isnt all profound things supposed to be simple. So lets think about the context of what it was said in and see where it takes us.

We are busy with so much which we are told is important for our lives. We take up activities to better ourselves,to earn more to look better. We constantly are doing something ,or reading about doing or thinking about doing something which is meant to fill our time and in some way essential for our existence in one way or the other. We show up for these activities.we show up for our near and dear ones  when they need us. thats the intention at least. Thats what the social contract expects out of us. All of this is not without benefit for the individual. There is something to be gained from these interactions and all this apparent working on ourselves to fit better in this world.

But after a point this is all outwardly activity,things meant for the world. yes at cursory glance things meant for us,but for us to fit into the world. so in short meant for the world,not for us. Where is the "self" in all this self development and self glorification in trying to be a cog in this vast vibrating universe.

s i get older i realise the journey has to be within not without what is inside of us. So anything "self" in all this self development and self glorification in trying to be a cog in this vast vibrating worthwhile to be found is within us. How do we know that? Well for the pleasures of the world,they are momentary.nothing lasts,nothing seems fulfilling. We are back at looking at new experiences or trying to hold on to older pleasurable experiences but everything is just for a short duration. That is the nature of the universe. Everything is fleeting.That is one thing i am sure of now.

So if everything is fleeting  how can anything out there be fulfilling? And what about the bigger questions like who am i? why i am here? where am i going?Where are the answers to these.? The only journey that can lead to some semblance of answers in the inner one. Being completely still and being aware. In trying to be the sakshi-the witness consciousness. No ,not because the books say so, or the sages. it is what i am finding with my own experiences,me putting to test what i may have read or heard but only accepting if it rings true after my tests on myself.

So to show up for one's own life means finding the inner get into that mode of peace and tranquility. Now the challenge is to how do we stay in that state once we get a glimpse of it. In trying to hold on to something of obvious beauty dont i start to grasp at it and lose it,the very problem with the world becomes the problem with the inner search. more work is needed but the glimpse is something which makes me want to find out more.we do owe it to ourselves to try and find those answers. so lets show up for our own lives.

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