I came across this question recently. Is time cyclical or linear in nature? It was a question Alan Watts discussed in his video. He did not seem to go through into too much details but he said enough to trigger my interest in the topic.I tried to do some research on it but did not come across much which would satiate my thirst for knowledge on this topic or maybe i was looking in the wrong places.there was a bit here and a bit there because time as subject has gripped us from the ages. Is it real? is it illusionary? lot of deep questions have been covered about it by various eminent people right from physicists to philospohers. Whatver little i have tasted from this fountain of knowledge seems intriguing and i want to learn more but i have not find much on this linear vs cyclical nature question and to be this would be one of the fundamental paradoxes to understand time,our attitude towards it and how in the end it affects our well being.
lets try and put together what i understand so far of this question.
if we assume time to be linear be basically are saying that it moves in a straight line,from Point A to to Point B.Lot of western thought/culture is based on this.This moving in a straight line means we have a destination,we need goals for the future to get a certain place/state in life. Those goals imply we need need to plan to reach the goals and and then we need to put the plan in action.All this implied a structured planned existence and life is something which we can mould according to our goals and plans.We also need to record how we are doing,map out our progress.We need to record our history as society so that future generations can continue to use that information in their movement forward. Individuals move forward ,so do societies,nations -progress,evolution all stems from this structured journey in linear time.
on the other hand in eastern philosophy time has almost always been looked as cyclical.
There is day and then there is night and then we are back with day after that. Time is moving ina cycle as earth is moving around the sun.we dont have a specific point to get to.Things start and finish and restart again. There is no big grand purpose of existence except existence itself. Species form,evolve into other species or wither away into the dust of nature. Trying to have too many macro goals is not the way to live life as it contradicts the way the cosmos works..Living in the moment without losing oneself in reminiscing in the past or worrying about the future is the way to go.
This is the surface of what i understand.But more i think of it more i believe this belief of how time works may hold the key( or one of the keys) for me atleast on how to lead a calmer life.
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